Photograph of a person in a yellow bandana

Scarlett's Space

A place to get to know me

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Project 2 Step 1


A photograph of an open closet A photograph of U.S. dollar bills

A personal desire for cheap/inexpensive clothing can be found in a cultural desire for convenience and consumerist values that promotes arbitrary trends, fads, and fashion "seasons", which promotes a political and economic desire for profit without regard for the lives and wellbeing of the consumers and workers involved or the ecological repercussions of the fashion industry.

A photograph of a pack of chicken breast A close-up photograph of dry cat food

A personal desire for chicken develops a culture in which the mass-production of chicken as livestock is prioritized over basic human and ecological health and needs, which in turn creates a political dilemma in which hierarchies are formed to enforce a system that pumps out the most amount of chicken products and byproducts in the most profitable manner.

A photograph of a basket of red apples A photograph of a green iPhone

A personal desire for apples finds its place in a culture that gives apples a symbolic connotation (think of the Garden of Eden, Isaac Newton, and the largest tech company, and the proverb "an apple a day keeps the doctor a way"), a desire which is found on a political level more broadly in the form of agriculture and, by proxy, trade, which are the foundations of all countries in existence.